Monday, September 19, 2011

When I have

a bad morning. When things just aren't going my way. When things aren't terribly wrong, just not perfectly right. When the to do list is a mile wide and growing by the second and it seems like I get one thing done and eight more pop up. When one kids crying, one kids whining, I have a headache and we're out of milk. When I feel overwhelmed and emotional and overdue for a nap myself. When it's just one of those Mondays. When its the first day of hopefully a "new" schedule and setting new goals for the week. When it's clear that its not going down like you had it perfectly pictured in your mind.

When it's just like that, I've reminded and thankful for this:

and, for kids that LOVE each other. One day they will have their sibling quarrels I am sure, but in moments liketoday, in times when I am so frustrated, I can just sit them in front of each other and let them play and talk and read and laugh to their heart's content. They are already the best of friends and the love they have for each other is huge and obviously very mutual.  I really can't think of a bigger blessing or a thing to be more thankful for than them having the sweet little bond that they do.

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