Friday, February 18, 2011

While I've been gone

from blogging....

Here's a few things that I've missed posting about, and still, alas no pictures, but this time I have a very good excuse.

First off, It was Mike's birthday this past Monday. My sweetie celebrated 26 years of life, and we were able to celebrate how much we LOVE him with a small family birthday party on Sunday afternoon. In typical Mike fashion, instead of letting his birthday be about him, he spent it doing what he does best, putting others before himself. He surprised me with a quick trip to Chico to eat Olive Garden as a family, and with the cutest darn puppy stuffed animal and most beautiful bouquet of flowers a girl could ever think of. That night, we had Youth Group and I made Mike's Small Group a batch of chocolate cupcakes with strawberry frosting (trying to mimic a Mike-favorite dessert of chocolate covered strawberries) and then we called it a night.

I'll spare you the long story of the rest of our week, but it can be summed up in one word, illness. All of us have thrown up, all of us have had aches, chills, pains, all of us have slept way more than usual, and none of us have eaten very much at all. The three of us all got some sort of flu/cold/stomach bug/virus that has zonked us out, on top of me getting another bladder infection that has been extremely persistent to say the least. We are still hoping and praying that the medication they put me on for the bladder infection starts to kick in more than it has in the past three days as I am still not feeling well at all. Thankfully, we were able to quickly check on Paytin today just to hear her heartbeat, which was strong at 150 bpm, praise the Lord!

Those are all the updates I have energy to type up now, sorry for the lack of blogging in the last few weeks! I hope to get caught up soon!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to Mike! Hope it was a great day and hope this is an awesome year for you guys as you journey into a transition as a family of four!! I pray that everyone's health improves in Jesus name! Hang in there guys!
