Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Beautiful is....

  • spending your anniversary living every day life with your husband. One of these years we will go away for our September anniversary, but every year that we spend it without frills and gifts I am so thankful for the life we have built together through God!
  • watching your husband try so hard to blame himself for you washing his cell phone in the washing machine and breaking it, and even moreso, only upset because he planned on giving you HIS phone as part of your Christmas present because he knows you love his phone so much.
  • waking up before your husband and your child and listening to Christmas worship music while baking cinnamon rolls.
  • listening to your 2.5 year old excitedly sing Happy Birthday to Jesus while blowing out the candle with his Daddy on the Christmas morning cinnamon rolls.
  • hearing your child remember to say thank you without being told...
  • seeing everyone enjoying the giving part of the Season even more than the getting part
  • opening heartfelt thoughtful gifts that make you stop for just a second and really appreciate the finer things in life like family and friends
  • the power going out for 12+ hours starting on Christmas night and cuddling on the couch by candle light with my guys
  • an extra 1.5 days off work due to a freak power outage in only my building in our entire town, and knowing those days were treasured more because the time wasn't expected
Our Christmas this year was absolutely wonderful and I am so thankful I was able to get a lot of it on video and through pictures which will be coming. I enjoyed being technology free for awhile due to the power outage, and then by choice, just enjoying soaking up time with my family. We really missed the family and friends we couldnt see this year but love each and every one of you and are so thankful for you all as well!!


  1. Happy Anniversary! So glad that I could witness one of God's greatest Love Stories!

  2. Those are truly beautiful things. Thank you for sharing, I enjoyed reading!

  3. Wonderful blessings. Praising God with you!

    Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Romans 12:15
