Saturday, November 20, 2010


  • Mike and I have decided that Brayden's clumsiness and tendency for injury is not entirely his fault.  He has a gigantic noggin, and we have decided that that is partly to blame for his ceaseless injuries.  Right now he has a goose-egg and bruise on his temple (thankfully mostly covered by hair) from falling on the hardwood floor from running too fast. He has a cut on his ear from who knows what, and still some minor roadrash on his cute little chin from his tree incident last week. But after watching him run and fall repeatedly today, and then, like I was telling my sister on the phone earlier, watching him trying to stand up and bonk his head 3 separate times on the entertainment center, we just digressed and decided to allow his huge head to be his excuse for the time being.
  • Second, he may be deciding for a career behind the pulpit as we speak.  I just watched Brayden take "The Pursuit of God" by A.W.Tozer out of our book basket on the fireplace, proceed to stand up on top of the fireplace step, open it, and "read" it aloud to the dogs, with hand gestures and everything.  I am now wishing I could have grabbed my video camera in time, but you'll have to trust me that it was one of the cutest things I have ever seen :)

1 comment:

  1. Way to go B-Ray!!! :D He is letting those doggies know what is up hahaha ;)
