Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veteran's Day

I will forever be grateful for the time that Mike served in the Navy, for a million of different reasons, the fact that God used the Navy to bring us together, the lessons that it taught us, the love and appreciation for each other that it gave us, for so many first kisses and "honeymoon" weekends before and after deployments, for teaching us to truly enjoy and appreciate each day together. I look back on these few photos from our years with the Navy with such emotion!! I'll spare you all that mush and gush, but I just love each and every one of these photos and the stories that come with them!

Mike's Second Homecoming (to me) His 3rd deployment completed overall. He had one short deployment after this one as well :) 

Ready for my Sailor to get off that ship!

Another one from the 2nd deployment (I got the most pictures from this deployment) Mike is on the left, holding the red flag!

The squadron Mike served with during his time in the Navy

Loved this shot from Mike's FIRST homecoming :)

Thank you to all who have served and all the family and friends who have supported those who have served and continue to serve. One of the things that our military time taught us is that we cannot do it ALONE, so its just not veterans that I celebrate today, its their families and friends that keep them strong while serving.


  1. I loved seeing these photos. My husband (Mike) also served in the navy and I hold all those same memories near and dear to my heart.

  2. I agree! i love these photos too(: ALL of them that you have posted on your blog(:
