Friday, November 19, 2010

Let it snow!

This weekend we're expecting snow, every day :) Probably less than a foot total, but man oh man am I looking forward to it! Supposed to start, according to NOAA (national weather service, MUCH more reliable than Weather Channel, at least where we live!), at around 3pm! Mike and I got Brayden a new jacket, that came with a beanie and fabric mittens too, and thankfully a lot of his gloves and beanies still fit him from before. But my Aunt Judy also scored Brayden another winter jacket and two more pairs of gloves that we got in the mail yesterday.  I'm hoping we have enough to build a snowman this weekend, but only time will tell. Mike is going with the Youth Group on Sunday to cut down Christmas trees for a camp fundraiser, so they should have fun in that! Thankful for our truck so he can drive out in the woods and not get stuck! Pics of our Winter Wonderland to come!


  1. SNOWWWW already! Wow, you and I both live in cold places:). Were you ready for winter to be there so soon? I bet it makes it feel much more festive though right! Christmas trees!!! So fun! Will you get one too? I want one so bad but, we won't even be here for more than 2 weeks in Dec. Maybe a small fake one. I love the holidays:) Kids bring a whole new joy to this time of year!! love to you mama!

  2. Snow?? What's that?? I'd love to see pictures!! :)
